Mofumahadi Manapo Mopeli Hospital
Regional Hospital
Thabo Mofutsanyana District MunicipalityPriority 2
Number of available posts: 16
General Information:
Beds: 270-300
Address: 72 Mampoi Rd, Phuthaditjhaba-A, Phuthaditjhaba, 9866
Associated primary care/District:
- District: Elizabeth Ross
- Community Health Centre: Bolata Clinic;Phithaditjhaba Clinic ;Namahadi Clinic; Tebang Clinic; Baketol Clinic; Riverside Clinic; Marakong Clinic; Bluegumbosch Clinic; Bolata Clinic;
Supervision (senior support):
Rating: 4/10
- Services:District services provided at the hospital were psychiatric, CT scan and optometry. Outreach services are urology, child psychiatry, dermatology, genetics and orthopaedics.The clinical support provided by the hospital is ophthalmology clinic, renal unit, pharmacy, clinical psychology, speech and audiology, occupational therapy, physiotherapy, social work and dietetics services.
Working conditions:
Rating 3/10
- Well equipped renal unit
- History of Doctors not being paid (
- History of civil unrest in QwaQwa (
- Shortage of beds
- Rural allowance: Yes
- DQ available
- Amenities 4/10
- Working efficiency: 4/10
- Predominant language: Sotho & Zulu
- EP index (experience to paper pushing) 9/10