Letaba Hospital
Regional/Provincial Hospital
Mopani District Muncipality
Priority 2
Number of available posts: 7
General Information:
Beds: 250
Address: Nkowakowa Tzaneen Lydenburg Road, Letaba, Tzaneen, 0870, 0870
Associated primary care/District:
- District: Kgapane Hospital, Van Helden Hospital
- CHC: Nkowankowa CHC
Supervision (senior support):
Rating: 6/10
If we had advanced resources with supervisors who are involved in the CMSA exams,it would be great.There’s plenty of study material with very limited guidance and expertise. There is also diverse clinical experience with very humble patients (https://za.indeed.com/cmp/Nelson-Mandela-Academic-Hospital)
Various services constitute part of the hospital activities, these includes internal medicine, family medicine, surgery, paediatrics, pharmacy, nursing, clinical psychology, oral health, allied health and forensic pathology servicesWorking conditions:
Rating 7/10
- Safety and security concerns (https://www.capricornfm.co.za/doctors-shot-at-letaba-hospital-residence/) (https://www.sabcnews.com/sabcnews/limpopo-doctors-live-in-fear-following-attacks/)
- Rural allowance: No
- DQ available
- Amenities 5/10
- Working efficiency: 4/10
- Predominant language: Sepedi & Tsonga
- EP index (experience to paper pushing) 8/10